A driven collection of scientists, healthcare professionals, communicators and software engineers.

A driven collection of scientists, healthcare professionals, communicators and software engineers.
Our team
Vanessa Wallace
Founding Chairman
Jim Liddle
Co-Founder & CEO
Phil Hayes St Clair
Co-Founder & Non-Executive Director
Douglas Campbell PhD
Non-Executive Director
Stéphane Chatonsky
Non-Executive Director
Jonathan Lerner
Company Secretary
Dr Densearn Seo
Medical Director
Connor O'Meara PhD
Principal Scientist
Alamgir Khan PhD
‍Head of Laboratory Operations
Malcom Edgar
Chief Technology Officer
Elizabeth Fletcher PhD
Senior Research Scientist
Kevin Yip
Software Engineer
Dr Lee Walsh
Regulatory Consultant
Our advisors
Dr Amandeep Hansra
Medical Advisor
Dr Kathleen Holcombe
Medical Advisor
Dr Kevin Cheng
Medical Advisor
Dr Luke Morphett
Medical Advisor
Dr Ginni Mansberg
Medical Advisor
Dr Liz Scott (MD/PhD)
Medical Advisor
Dr Nic Giummarra
Medical Advisor
Elaine Stead PhD
Venture Advisor
Erkan Izat
Venture Advisor
John Merakovsky PhD
Venture Advisor
Karen Fawcett
Venture Advisor
Megan Flamer
Venture Advisor
Ohad Manor PhD
Scientific Advisor
Richard Webby PhD
Venture Advisor
We’re always on the lookout for great people.
At Drop Bio Health, we are committed to building a team that represents a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and skills. We don’t just accept difference — we celebrate it, support it and genuinely thrive on it.

Our philosophy comes to life through these five core values:

People give our science value
Start with people’s lifestyle and expectations in mind to make the scientific evidence more valuable, accessible and understandable.

Champion the mission
Prioritise work that advances the mission. Take intelligent risks, demand excellence and strive to be the best in the world.

Every idea matters
Be curious, ask for help, and demonstrate an ability to grow. Own and learn from mistakes. Bring optimism to work.

Make every day count
Create the future with resilience, urgency and humanity. Be kind, humble, strong and embrace the adventure.

Thoughtfully disagree
Listen and be motivated by a genuine fear of missing important perspectives.

If you are passionate about health and wellness and have experience in science, medicine, product development, marketing, software engineering or bioinformatics you should express an interest in joining our team.